Friday, September 24, 2010


To rename the start button, you will need a hex editor.
My preference is UltraEdit

Copy the \windows\explore.exe file to a new name (e.g. explorer_1.exe)
With the hex editor, open that file and go to offset 412b6
You will see the word start with blanks between each letter
Edit it be any 5 characters or less
Save the file
Boot to DOS
Copy the existing c:\windows\explorer.exe to
Copy explorer_1.exe to explorer.exe
You will also need to replace the explorer.exe in the c:\windows\system32\dllcache file as well with the new one.
Note: If the partition is NTFS and you can't access the files from DOS:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon.
Change the value of Shell from Explorer.exe to explorer_1.exe

Remove "Help and Support" link from XP Start Menu

To remove the Help and Support link from XP Start Menu, try this:
Right-click Taskbar, choose Properties
In the Start Menu tab, click Customize
Select the Advanced tab
Uncheck Help and Support option.
Click OK, OK and close the dialog

 For Windows Classic Start menu, you may need to modify the registry directly:
Click Start, Run and type Regedit.exe
Navigate to the following location:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Advanced
In the right-pane, create a new REG_DWORD value named NoStartMenuHelp
Double-click NoStartMenuHelp and set it's value to 1
Close Regedit.

Convert FAT to NTFS file system

To convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps.
Click Start, click Programs, and then click Command Prompt.
In Windows XP, click Start, click Run, type cmd and then click OK.
At the command prompt, type CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS.
Convert.exe will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS.

NOTE: Although the chance of corruption or data loss during the conversion from FAT to NTFS is minimal, it is best to perform a full backup of the data on the drive that it is to be converted prior to executing the convert command. It is also recommended to verify the integrity of the backup before proceeding, as well as to run RDISK and update the emergency repair disk (ERD).


Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\System
Create the Dword value DisableTaskMgr
Give it a value of 0 to enable it
Give it a vaule of 1 to disable it

Lock & unlock your folder without any software!

Procedure :
1. Make a folder on the desktop and name it as "folder"
2. Now, open notepad and write ren folder folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} and now (Notepad Menu) File>save as.
3. In the 'save as' name it as lock.bat and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
4. Now, again open notepad again and write ren folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} folder and now (Notepad Menu) File>save as.
5. In the 'save as' name it as key.bat and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
6. Now, double click lock.bat to lock the folder and now if you open your folder, control panel will open up !
7. Now, double click key.bat to open the folder and now if you open your folder, you can access your data inside the folder again !
8. Lock your folder and hide the key.bat somewhere else on your hard disk !
9. Whenever you want to open your folder just paste the key.bat on desktop & open your folder using it !


1. go to "Run"

2.Type "services.msc" (press OK)

3.After pressing OK. A window will appear, here you find "Windows Audio" right click on "Windows Audio" and select "Properties"

5.A Window will appear, HERE Startup Type: is "DISABLED"

6.Now change the type to "AUTOMATIC".

7. Now "APPLY" & "OK"


HOW TO fix- NTLDR missing

1.Place Windows cd in drive and reboot to the cd so we can enter recovery console.

2.Now Enter BIOS by pressing F2 or Del to Enter BIOS & change first boot to CDROM.

3.Now Windows setup start. Here we get threee option like
    *To set up Windows XP now, press ENTER.
    *To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.
    *To quit Setup without installing Windows XP, press F3.

4.We select second option "To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R"

5.Now come "The recovery console provides system repair and recovery functionality.
        Type EXIT to quit the Recovery console and restart the computer. Press ENTER.

6.After pressing ENTER  1: c:\WINDOWS
            Which Windows installation would you like to log onto
            <To cancel, press ENTER>? {here you press 1 }
            Type the Administrator password:
            c:\WINDOWS>X: (Here X= Your CD Drive letter)

            X:\>dir (Press ENTER)

7.After pressing ENTER, X:\>copy I386\NTLDR C:\ (press ENTER)

8.X:\>copy I386\NTDETECT.COM C:\ (Press ENTER)

9.X:\>dir c:\ (Press ENTER)

10.X:\>exit. (now your problem is solved) ENJOY

Thursday, September 23, 2010


1. Start, Run, 'Regedit'.
2. Press 'Ctrl'+'F' to open find box and type 'Recycle Bin' to search.
3. Change any value data with 'Recycle Bin' to whatever name you want to give it ( ie, like 'Roshan' or any name.. etc).
4. Press F3 to continue searching for 'Recycle Bin' and change wherever you come across 'Recycle Bin' to new its new name.
5. Repeat step 4 until you have finished with searching and changed all values to its new name.
6. Close regedit and press F5 on desktop to see the new name on screen.

Note: Always backup your registry before changing anything although changing 'Recycle Bin' name is a simple tweak and does not affect anything else.

How to repair a Damaged hard drive using CHKDSK

This article applies to Windows XP/2000


Over time, your hard drive could develop errors for a variety of reasons.The most common reasons are:

    * Improper Shutdowns
    * Power Outages
    * Power Surges
    * Age of Drive

In this article I will explain a method that can repair a damaged hard drive.
It is also possible to be able to tell if the hard drive is nearing its end by using this method.

Warning: Depending on the extent of the damage to your hard drive, this test can cause the hard drive to actually fail.So, prior to running this test, be sure to backup all data.

<>Start Repair Method:

   1. Insert your Windows XP/2000 installation CD and restart your computer to launch the CD.
       If you receive a prompt asking what boot method you would like to use. Select the option that
       allows you to boot from the installation CD.
   2. The next prompt will ask what you would like to do? Select the letter "R" to enter the
       Windows   Recovery Console.
   3. When asked what partition you would like to boot to, select the partition that has your
       Windows  operating system installed on it.You may be asked for an administrator password
        at this point. If you use one, then enter it now. If not, simply press enter to continue.
   4. A command prompt should now appear. Type in the following command and then press enter
       on your  keyboard: chkdsk /p
   5. Your system will begin testing for errors on your drive. If you receive a message that states;
      "One or more errors detected on the volume",then it is possible to use CHKDSK to repair these errors.
       If no errors were found, CHKDSK will not be able to repair your drive.
   6. If one or more errors were found, type in the following command at the command prompt and then
       press enter on your keyboard: chkdsk /r
   7. Once you press enter, the CHKDSK utility will begin checking every sector on your hard drive for
       errors and automatically repair them.This test could take some time depending on the size of your hard
   8. Once your system stops scanning and returns you to the command prompt, type the following
       command again, then press enter: chkdsk /p
   9. If after the scan completes and it has found no errors, this means that you have successfully repaired
       your drive.If errors are again reported, this means that the CHKDSK utility was unable to repair
       these errors and it could also indicate that the drive is on its last leg.
  10. Exit the Recovery Console and remove your Windows XP/2000 installation CD. Be sure to
        (if you haven't already) backup all data on your drive


In order to Backup e-mail messages from Outlook Express, follow the instructions outlined below.

   1.  Click on the “TOOLS” tab and select “OPTIONS”.
   2.  Click the “MAINTENANCE” Tab.
   3.  There you will Click the “STORE FOLDER” button.
   4.  Then you will highlight the Folder Location which is something like: C:\Documents and
        Settings\Default\Application Data\Identities\{EDE5BBC0-2249-11D4-A8IE-9D30865EF03D} \
        Microsoft\Outlook Express.
   5.  Right click and Select Copy or press (CTRL+C) to copy the location of the folder.
   6.  Click the Cancel button and Cancel again to close ALL boxes.
   7.  Now you’re going to Click START > Select Run and position the curser on the open box.
        Right click and PASTE or press (CTRL+V) to paste the e-mail location and click OK.
   8.  Now, you have a Window containing your e-mail database. ( E-mails are saved in .dbx file format).
   9.  Click EDIT and SELECT ALL. Click EDIT again and Select COPY and close the Window.
  10. Click Start >All programs >Accessories> and Select Windows Explorer to open the
        Windows Explorer Window.
  11. On the top of the page click FILE >Select NEW> Select FOLDER.
  12. A highlighted new folder will appear on the right hand side (New Folder). You can rename that folder.
        Type the name of the new folder and press ENTER on your keyboard.
  13. Open that Folder by Double clicking it. On top of the page Click the EDIT menu and
        Select PASTE  and close the Window.
  14. You now have your email messages saved (Backed up). You can write them to a CD-RW
        to transfer  them to another pc.
  15. Open Windows Explorer and make a new folder on your hard disk. Once that is done,
        you can then begin to copy the files from the CD-RW to the New Folder.
  16. Close all open Windows and Open Outlook Express>Select File> Import> Messages>
        Microsoft Outlook Express Version(5 or 6) and Click Next.
  17. Select “IMPORT MAIL FROM OE (5 or 6 depending on your version) STORE DIRECTORY”.
        And Click OK.
  18. Browse to the previously created folder and Click Next. Now,
        you can proceed to copy the files from the CD-RW to the Hard Disk.
  19. Open Windows Explorer > Open the previously copied files folder > Select all files.
  20. Select Files> Properties.
  21. Click the box that will open and make sure the Read Only is without a check mark.
  22. Click OK and open Outlook Express . Import your messages.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Clean installation of Windows XP.

Start the Installation:

Insert your Windows XP Installation CD.

If Windows automatically detects the Installation CD, you will soon be prompted with a "Press any key to boot from CD" message. You will have 5 seconds to hit any key. If you've delayed too long, your computer will continue to start from the hard disk.
Once you have pressed any key, files will begin to load from the installation CD. You will soon be asked what type of installation you wish to perform:

    * New Installation
    * Repair an existing installation

Now choose "New Installation"
You will then be prompted to agree to the End User License Agreement (EULA). You cannot continue without accepting. Press F8 to continue. Feel free to read the EULA if you want, but make sure you take breaks every hour or so.

The next screen will show the available partitions where you can install XP. Here you have the ability to create/delete partitions or just allocate the available space to one partition. If you choose to create multiple partition for whatever purpose, be sure to create them with sufficient size. I recommend partitions between 4-10 GB of size depending on what your plans are. If you plan to install a second Operating System, then an 8 to 10 GB partition would be best, but if your plans are merely to use a partition for backup purposes, then 4 to 6 GB may work fine.
Once your have chosen the partition you wish to install XP on, you will now need to format it to a file system. The choices are:

    * Fat32:
    * NTFS:

Short for New Technology File System, one of the file system for the Windows NT  operating system (Windows NT also supports the FAT file system). NTFS has features to improve reliability, such as transaction logs to help recover from disk failures. To control access to files, you can set permissions for directories and/or individual files. NTFS files are not accessible from other operating such as DOS
You will need to make a choice of the different formatting options. I recommend that you perform a FULL format of whichever file system that you've chosen. Once the format is complete, the installation will continue.
You will now see all of the files loading to your hard drive from the installation CD. Once the files are loaded, Windows will automatically reboot your system. When you are given the "Press any key to boot from CD" message, do not hit any key. Just let your system continue loading to your hard drive.

You will be prompted from time to time to enter in specific setup information such as:

    * Region and Language
    * Name and Organization
    * Product License Key
    * Date and Time
    * User Name and Password

Note: Be sure to write down and save your user name and password.

Eventually, Windows will reboot your system again. It will take you directly to the Windows Activation screen. You will be given the option to activate now or within a 30 day period. I recommend you take the time to activate your copy now. If you don't, you will be bothered by on-screen reminders.
Congratulations! Your Windows XP Installation is complete! Enjoy.

Clean installation of Windows Vista.

 Begin your Clean Installation of Windows Vista:

   1. Place the Windows Vista installation DVD in to your DVD drive, then reboot your system to allow the DVD to launch. At your first prompt, press any key to continue the process. Click Next and then click "Install Now" when prompted.
   2. You will now be at the "Get important updates for installation" page. It is highly recommended (if you have an Internet connection at this point) to go ahead and install any available updates to ensure a successful installation. Once you've received the updates, click Next.
   3. You will now be asked for your product key information. Your product key is located on your DVD case. Insert your 25 digit product key then click Next.
   4. Now, you should be at the License Agreement screen. Feel free to read through the whole thing but it is going to take you quite awhile. You must "Accept" the licensing agreement to continue. Click Next once you're comfortable with the licensing agreement.
   5. This next screen contains the main installation options. Select "Custom Install" (this is the correct option for a clean installation). Click Next.
   6. Setup will now ask where you would like to install Windows Vista. You will see the available partitions on your system. You will need to select the "boot" partition (usually C:). If your boot partition has a previous version of Windows installed on it, you will want to delete this partition and the create a new boot partition. Create any additional partitions as desired, just be sure that each partition you create is formatted. Once you're done, click Next.
   7. From here, the prompts may vary depending on your particular system. Just follow the on-screen prompts to install Vista to your systems configuration.
   8. Once Windows Vista installs the necessary files to run, it will restart twice. It is important that you leave the installation disk in the DVD drive until the Windows Vista is completely installed. After the first restart, you will be asked to insert any Username and Password that you would like to use and a Name for your PC. Additionally, you will be asked for the following information:

        * Time and Date settings
        * Current Location (home or office)

After all of your information is successfully received, Vista will boot a second time. After it boots successfully, you can safely remove the Windows Vista installation DVD.

Congratulations! I hope that you get many years of enjoyment out of your new Windows Vista operating system!

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