Sunday, July 17, 2011

Awesome Computer Tricks That You May Have Never Seen Before

Many of you may have probably seen these computer tricks before but I’m hoping that there are still some who’ll be amazed with what I’m going to show you. These are some of the most popular and really amazing computer tricks that I collected from the internet. I know you’re excited to see these tricks so I’m going to show it to you now. Check this out:

For Windows PC users:
1. What’s with the word “CON”?
  • Try to create a folder anywhere you like (i.e. desktop, my documents).
  • Rename the folder with CON and see what will happen.
  • Try to rename other files (i.e. images, documents) with CON. Still, it doesn’t change right?
2. What’s up with “BUSH”?
  • Open your notepad.
  • Type “Bush hid the facts” without the “ “.
  • Save it and open it again.
3. Test the strength of your anti-virus
  • Do you want to know if your anti-virus is really protecting your PC? Open your notepad and copy-paste this code “X50!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*” without “”.
  • Save the file as If your anti-virus is really protecting your PC, it will warn you about this “virus tester”.
NOTE: This isn’t harmful to your PC. This is just a simple test to check if your anti-virus can detect virus.

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